Physical Therapy, Health Coaching,
Personal/Physical Fitness Training
Madison, MS

We also help you to achieve your health and fitness goals, and beat pain and fatigue. We help you gain control of your health!
House Calls?
Telehealth? Yes!
Flexible Hours?
What our clients and patients are saying:
We may be the only Doctor of Physical Therapy in Madison offering house calls, one of the few offering telehealth/video visits, and our hours may just be the most flexible!
What does this mean for you?
No need to re-arrange your work schedule.
No commute time.
No babysitting/child care needed.
More time for you, to run your business, your home, your life, and care for your health.

You can choose one of our two offices, telehealth, house calls, or a combination. I can also make the recommendation best for you, based on your needs.
Physical Therapy + Wellness?
We provide service with your overall health in mind, including support, guidance, and resources to achieve your nutrition, lifestyle, and health goals.
How does nutrition impact my health, even my joint health? It can reduce/resolve or contribute to inflammation, pain, fatigue, anxiety, stress, and every aspect of your health.
Overall diet and lifestyle changes can be tough. They require self-discipline, positive and specific mindset and perspectives, and support. I'm here for you! You will come across obstacles, that you are more likely to surmount if you have a coach by your side. Consider this, have you tried or considered making changes before? Did you a notice a lack of support from family and friends? How did it affect you? In addition to support, I can teach you mindset and perspectives and share with you that caring for yourself can give you new energy and joy and control of and confidence in your health. In addition to scheduled meetings, I'm only a phone call away!
I have 10+ years of experience helping myself and others like me to reduce or resolve pain and other symptoms, and succeed with self care and feeling well and inspired. My goal is your success.
A little more about each service:
Physical Therapy
Health Coaching
Strength/Fitness Assessment and Personal/Physical Fitness Training
Massage and myofascial release
Physical therapy can help you to reduce and resolve current joint pain and muscular pain; pain that is inhibiting you from living or slowing you down, such as managing your household chores and impairing your ability to work and stay active in the gym or otherwise. It is also useful prior to and following joint replacement and certain other surgeries, to maximize your physical abilities, prevent additional injury, and recover your strength and function. We will have regularly scheduled treatment, including personalized muscular/joint health oriented exercises and exercise progressions based on your needs.
Do you need a medical doctor's referral to have physical therapy? In the state of Mississippi, you need an MD or DC to prescribe physical therapy treatment. However, your doctor should be willing to write you a prescription once you ask, and allow you to choose your therapist. Also, you can either obtain the prescription prior to or after your initial physical therapy evaluation. Yes, you can receive an initial evaluation, and then ask your doctor for a prescription for physical therapy treatment. We will also provide a POC for your MD or DC to sign by calling and faxing such to their office.
Our other services below do not require a prescription.
Health coaching addresses your health in multiple ways. We address lifestyle, habits, nutrition, fitness, environmental burdens, stress management, recovering your energy, and feeling empowered and satisfied with your self care. We will assess and decide together, what areas need your focus or in what order. Caring for your health, is for your present and your future. Perhaps adopting healthy dietary changes is what needs your attention? Perhaps, you are low on energy? Or you may be dealing with digestive changes and distress? You may be recently diagnosed with an illness, that is also having you consider what dietary and lifestyle changes may be good for you. Your medical doctor may have recommended such changes. Either way, you may feel overwhelmed with your symptoms and making the changes necessary or even figuring out what works for you. We also all desire to be as healthy and independent in our lives as long as possible, as we consider aging. I'm here to support you in creating habits that optimize your health, and that includes your peace of mind and calm, in a world that is likely to cause stress. We will have regularly scheduled meetings, and I will be of additional and available support as needed by phone. You will likely have a 3-6 month program, with educational resources provided, with the purpose to teach you a lifestyle that you can maintain.
The truth is you can fully optimize your joint health, without also addressing and caring for your nutrition and overall health. There are other factors besides exercise that contribute to joint pain and inflammation or health.
A strength & fitness wellness assessment and personal/physical training with a physical therapist is specific to helping you gain an understanding of your muscular and joint health and overall fitness, with the purpose to improve your current and future health and reduce your risk of injury. You may be concerned about how sore you are after a gym workout or run. You may be concerned about lack of progress after working on things by yourself. You may not even know how to begin a physical activity routine, or what is safe for you? You may feel uncomfortable trying to get started on your own. You may be worried about keeping up with your kids and grandkids. Strength and flexibility deficits and overall physical fitness may be limiting your participation in the exercises and lifestyle you are passionate about - or limiting your ability to play with your kids. If you are a passionate runner or enjoy lifting weights, or other activities, I can observe you in your activities along with providing a physical assessment. With this information, I will help you understand how to improve your performance, endurance, and reduce the risk of pain. You will learn how to improve your recovery following training or exercise. You will receive a plan of exercises and stretches, per your needs. You will receive a demonstration and information to utilize this plan effectively. You will learn information that you can also apply to your future. The assessment and training are also available to help you begin an active lifestyle or a particular exercise like running or weight-lifting. As a Doctor of Physical Therapy, I am your expert in movement and muscular and physical health.
We can also provide you a list of other local service providers, to assist you to create a team of health/medical providers that you can trust to address your health completely as needed.
Functional Medicine certified NP
Biological Dentist
We can provide you with a list of businesses such as gyms, recreational spaces, meal providers, and others to help you be successful in optimizing your health and enjoying doing so.
Choose BPTW
Choose Bryant Physical Therapy and Wellness to optimize your healthcare and your time, to provide education and resources to grow your health, and to reduce unnecessary joint stress and reduce the risk of pain and injury, to help you take control of your health!